
6th Kyoto University Southeast Asian Forum


6th Kyoto University Southeast Asian Forum

6th Kyoto University Southeast Asian Forum

Health Crisis!!! Business Chances Creation

Saturday 6th February, 2010

08.30 a.m. – 16.30 p.m.

Room “Mandarin”, 1st Floor, Mandarin Hotel

Organizers: Kyoto University (CSEAS) and the Kyoto Union club

Supported by Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (TNI) and Japanese Kyodai Alumni (in Thailand)

To get involved or for more details regarding the forum, please contact the forum secretariat: Khun Nutcharee, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology

Tel: 0-2763-2702 Fax: 0-2763-2725

E-mail: nutcharee_s@hotmail.com, nutcharee@tni.ac.th


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