
ผู้เขียน : ณัฐกานต์

อัพเดท: 04 ก.ย. 2012 22.07 น. บทความนี้มีผู้ชม: 13700 ครั้ง

This is the most practical guide available for clearly demonstrating how to implement TQM within any goverment agency---on any level.


“Export anything to a friendly country expert American management.” – W. Edwards Deming

The impact of Total Quality Management on business organizations in the United States is significant. Most companies that have adopted Total Quality Management have been fortune to record result. Federal, state, and local government have observed the success of many of these companies as they continue to do Total Quality Management as a system for managing their organizations.

          Report results from articles written in business and government publications been mixed. When most articles discussing TQM report the results of successful companies that have implemented TQM, they also cite a number that have been unsuccessful. We strongly believe that it is not the basic belief and principles that fail, but rather management’s inability to change their traditional management by objective culture to a Quality culture.

          TQM has many critics, but no rivals. Most critics look to failed implementation attempts to argue claims that TQM does not work in organizations What is interesting is that, with all its critics, seldom does a critic advance a better system of management. The purpose of this of this chapter is to lay the foundation for TQM and set forth the cornerstones, belief, and principles of Total Quality Management.


Jerry W. Koehler and Joseph M. Pankowaki (1996) Quality Government Designing,Developing,and,Implementing TQM. FL :Published By St. Lucie Press

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