Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan)


Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan )

Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan )

Perspective of TPA

Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan), or TPA, was officially established on the 24th of January 1973 with the strong intention, co-operation, and sacrifice of the Japanese alumni and those who were trained in Japan with the ABK (the Asia Bunka Kaikan) and AOTS (the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship) scholarships. Mr. Sommai Huntrakul, the Finance Minister at that time, was the president of the establishing committee. The establishment succeeded with the kind support of Professor Goichi Hozumi, the former president of the board of Japan-Thailand Economic Co-operation Association, of which the objective is to be the centre for promoting knowledge, disseminating and transmitting new technology to Thai personnel for the growth and advancement of the Thai economy and industry.

TPA has continually grown and developed as well as accumulated expertise in providing services. These services include arrangement of curricula for seminars, training, self-learning, credit transfer in universitylevel education, consulting in the field of technology, quality, environment, safety and management, diagnosis of enterprises, calibration and environmental analysis services, school of language and culture, business and technology development, and expertise in producing texts for foreign language and culture learning, books for self-development as well as academic journals and texts on technology and quality.

At present, TPA has three offices, that is, the head office located on Sukhumvit Soi 29, Technology Promotion Institute building located on Pattanakarn Road, Soi 18, and School of Language and Culture, Zeer Rangsit branch. Service activities are divided into the following departments:

Besides these services, TPA also arranges various activities to fulfill corporate social responsibility: TPA robot contests for secondary to higher education levels, language and culture festivals (exhibitions), contests that reward achievements and organizations, i.e. Thailand 5S Award, Thailand Lean Award, KANO Quality Award, Thailand Quality Prize and Thailand Kaizen Award.


Technology Promotion Association(Thailand-Japan)

5-7 Sukhumvit Road Soi 29 Klongtoey Nua Vadhana Bangkok 10110
Tel. 0-2258-0320, 0-2259-9160 Fax. 0-2258-6440, 0-2259-9117
534/4 soi Pattanakarn 18 Suanluang Bangkok 10250
Tel. 0-2717-3000 Fax. 0-2719-9479
Zeer Rangsit
2nd Floor Zeer Rangsit Shopping Complex, lamlukka Pathumthani 12130
Tel. 0-2992-7169-71 Fax. 0-2992-7170

[email protected]

TPA Services

  1. Industrial & Laboratory Instrument Calibration Service Department
    We are providing calibration services of industrial measurement devices and laboratory instruments of various fields, covering every industry from working standard to secondary standard levels. Additional services such as transportation of machinery, calibration services of the whole plant and on-site calibration service are also comprehensively available by the calibration laboratory in conformity with TIS 17025 (ISO/IEC 17025) issued by the Thai Industrial Standards Institute, Ministry of Industry.
  2. School of Language and Culture
    School of Language and Culture is a project established together with the Association having the objectives to teach Japanese language to Thai people and Thai language to Japanese people as language is the basis to pass on technologies and exchange cultural information. At present, the language teaching service is extended to English, Chinese and Korean as well as translation service and arrangement of interpreters covering all branches.
  3. Education, Training, Diagnosis and Enterprise Consultancy Businesses
    To increase potential of organizations and to develop human resources are the important base ideas that TPA has focused on since its establishment. TPA’s education, training, diagnosis and enterprise consultancy businesses thus continue to be determined to encourage that everyone should have the opportunity to learn knowledge without limitations. This is done through featuring comprehensive contents, in the form of “entire service (Total Solution)”, which offers knowledge on more than 20 branches, e.g. marketing management, personnel administration, management of production, quality and standards, energy, environment, safety, maintenance of measurement devices and calibration, computer application, logistic supply chain and shipping, etc., totaling more than 500 courses.
  4. Publishing Sections within TPA Family
    TPA has its own publishing sections that publish books, texts, teaching/learning media and other printed materials. The four sections are:
    1. TPA Press
      This house produces expertise books/texts on various techniques and technologies, including administration & management, production control, productivity enhancement/cost reduction, self development and books to enhance mathematical/scientific skills, in order to boost knowledge for the personnel in business and industrial fields and secondary school, vocational and university-level education.
    2. Language and Culture Press
      Japanese language texts, translated books for promotion of skill and knowledge, Japanese arts and culture, books for learning Thai, English, Chinese and Korean languages as well as a variety of dictionaries are published
    3. TPA Youth Press
      Translated books on literature and science for young people and inspirational autobiographies are published.
    4. Friend of Readers Press
      Translated books on self-development and psychology and general entertainment books are published.
  5. Business and Technology Development Department or Web Based Business Development Department
    provides the following services:
    1. Sustainable human resources development by 360-degree performance evaluation system (Competency 360 Degree)
    2. Intelligent performance and testing system development (THD Management System)
    3. Development of academic and vocational industry testing center through online system
    4. Web site designing, preparation and management service for business institutes
    5. Learning source and allocation to various communities under the web site TPA Education & Inspiration
  6. Corporate Communication and Marketing
    Technology Promotion Association (Thailand-Japan) has put thorough emphasis on marketing and public relations, providing news on the activities of the Association through various branches of mass media, including telephone, radio, newspapers, journals, magazines and internet, as well as to arrange printed materials such as TPA News Magazines for dissemination to the members, marketing promotion activities, member relationship activities such as special seminars, plant tours to visit leading industrial factories, social responsibility activities, etc.